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Appendix A — Networking and social activities

Day 1

After lunch, get in your group and go for a walk outside (if it’s nice out). Share and discuss with your group these questions:

  • Why are you here and what do you want to learn besides R?
  • How do you currently collaborate with others and are you happy with it? Share a memorable positive or negative experience you have had related to collaboration. Why was it positive or negative? It doesn’t have to be about coding in R or data analysis, it can be collaboration in general.

Day 2

After lunch, get in your group and talk about these questions and topics. You can walk outside, find a table, or do whatever.

  • What would you spend your work time on if you had learned efficient and effective coding skills earlier in your career and were in a research culture that encouraged sharing and supporting these skills?
  • If instead of working, you could take those extra hours saved from being efficient for personal activities, what would you spend your time on?