Table of contents

5  Smoother project-based collaboration

Many of you probably work mostly on your own, but as you move through your career (whether in academia or industry), you will need to—and perhaps want to—directly collaborate much more with others.

1 Here, “directly collaborate” means contributing to a shared project directly (like editing the same files), rather than discussion- or planning-based collaborations (and definitely not the “emailing-files-around” type of collaboration).

Even though different types of collaboration (e.g. meetings, brainstorming, real-time co-writing) form the basis for almost all research-based work (and probably most non-research-based work), direct collaboration quickly becomes unmanageable when relying on traditional academic “workflows” (like emailing files around). That’s when you’ll need tools designed for collaboration, such as Git and GitHub. But that’s just the starting point; many other factors related to workflows and processes must be considered to collaborate more effectively.

This session focuses on using more automated ways to structure data analysis projects and facilitate smoother collaboration.

5.1 Learning objectives

This session’s overall learning outcome is to:

  1. Identify actions to streamline collaboration on a data analysis project and create projects with R that apply many of these actions.

Specific objectives are to:

  1. Explain what a “project-oriented” workflow is, what a project-level R dependency management is, and why these concepts are important for collaborative and reproducible analyses.
  2. Describe the difference between workflow dependencies and build dependencies, and apply functions in the usethis R package to implement these dependency management concepts.
  3. Explain how following a style guide helps build a common approach to reading and writing R code, and thereby improves project-level collaboration.
  4. Use styler and RStudio’s canonical markdown mode to programmatically check and apply style guides to your project files.

5.2 💬 Discussion activity: How do you exactly collaborate or contribute to your own or others’ projects?

Time: ~10 minutes.

Reflect on when you work on a project (for your thesis or a manuscript), how exactly do you and your collaborators contribute to the project:

  • Is it mostly verbal contributions?
  • Do you use a shared folder that the files are on?
  • How do you keep track of who’s changed what?
  • Do you mostly work on your own with contributions being mostly verbal or written feedback (like in a meeting or through an email)?
  • If you collaborate directly on a project, how do you coordinate things? Does one collaborator work on one section or analysis, so your files are separate?
  • Do you ever have to go in and contribute your own code to theirs (and vice versa)?

Consider these questions as we do the following steps.

  1. Take about 1 minute to reflect on these questions.
  2. For 6 minutes, discuss these questions with your neighbour, and talk about your own experiences.
  3. For the remaining time, we will briefly share with everyone.

5.3 Project-level package dependency management

Note: This first session is more conceptual and is heavier on the reading and explanation, but is important for the next sessions.

📖 Reading task: ~8 minutes

One of the first things to consider when working collaboratively on a data analysis project (and probably other types of projects too) is what software to use for your project. This starts out at the highest level: Are you using R or some other software for the analysis? Since this is an R course, we’re assuming the software will be R! 😜

The next consideration is determining which packages your project will depend on to produce the results. When working collaboratively with others (or even with your future self), you’ll need a clear way to track the project’s package dependencies, and, ideally, have a simple and efficient method to install or update them.

Part of the approach covered in this course requires that you follow a “project-oriented” workflow when working on, well, a project. In order to know how to track your project’s package dependencies, you need to first know, what a “project” is and how do we work around it. Since the introduction course’s first session on the Management of R Projects, we’ve consistently taught and used this workflow-style. In fact, it is embedded into the use of the R Projects via the .Rproj files and in the use of the here package. So, we’re already following a approach, which will make it easier to track package dependencies of our project.

The R Project text is made of metal, and the `{here}` package wears a helmet, appearing secure and robust and ready to go skateboarding. Meanwhile `setwd()` is made of glass, covered in casts and band-aids, looking much more fragile.

Cartoon of combining R Projects with the here package, compared to the common approach of using setwd(). Artwork by @allison_horst.

Let’s start with the AdvancedR3 project, created in , that includes the lipidomics dataset. We have code in the data-raw/nmr-omics.R file already that uses some packages. Let’s assume that your project will be more complex than this and that you will eventually need some collaborators to contribute who are experts in for instance metabolomics data processing and in statistical analysis of high-dimensional data. You know you will end up needing to use other packages. You also know that you all need some way of tracking which packages are used so that when others join and contribute to the project, they can as seamlessly as possible install or update the packages your data analysis project needs. There are a few ways of “tracking” package dependencies.

The simplest, but most primitive way is to always make sure to use library() at the top of each R script for each package that the R script uses. We can call this “informal” dependency management.

Let’s review the advantages and disadvantages of this form of dependency management:

  • Advantage:

    • It’s the easiest to conceptually understand and to use.
  • Disadvantages:

    • It doesn’t track project-level dependencies very well, since multiple scripts might use the same packages, while some might use different ones. This means that you can’t easily and quickly install or update all the packages used in your project. You will probably have to go through each R script manually and install each package manually.

    • It doesn’t track the versions of the packages your project depends on, so if a package gets updated and it breaks something, you might not be able to figure out how to quickly fix that issue, especially for those deadline crunches.

You might have seen a similar “informal” approach where scripts starts with code that looks like this:

if (!require("packagename")) {

This code checks whether a package exists (i.e., is installed), and if not, it installs it. But! This is not an optimal method to track packages because require() won’t load the package if it doesn’t find it. As a result, you will have to rerun the script a few times if you don’t have that package installed; first, to install the package, then to load it. Plus, sometimes you may need to restart the R session after installing a package in order for R to detect it properly. So, this is not a very efficient way to track dependencies either.

What’s the alternative, then? One alternative is a more formal way of managing your dependencies, which is what we’ll cover in the next section.

Finished? 👒

When you’re ready to continue, place the sticky/paper hat on your computer to indicate this to the instructor 👒 🎩

5.4 Formal dependency management

📖 Reading task: ~3 minutes

The most common form of a more formal way of managing dependencies— at least based on R packages and projects found on GitHub—makes use of the DESCRIPTION file and the usethis::use_package(). We covered this style of dependency in the intermediate course. We will also use this approach during this course, but we’ll expand on it a lot more. We use and recommend it for managing dependencies because many tools and workflows rely on it, making it well-integrated with R projects.

Let’s take a look on the advantages and disadvantages of this way of tracking dependencies:

  • Advantages:

    • Relatively easy to conceptually understand, since you can directly view the packages used in the by opening the DESCRIPTION file and looking at the contents.

    • Because it is widely used, there are many processes already built around making use of tracking dependencies this way. For instance, when creating an R package, you need to track package dependencies this way.

    • Installing packages is as easy as opening the project and running pak::pak() in the Console, which will install all the packages listed in the DESCRIPTION file.

    • Adding packages is as easy as writing usethis::use_package("packagename") in the Console.

  • Disadvantages:

    • Like the previous method, it doesn’t automatically keep track of the versions of the packages you are using. Even though it is possible to add a specific version to the DESCRIPTION file, pak will install the newest version of the package.

    • Your project might still rely on a package that is installed on your computer which influences your project. It could be that it isn’t obvious as a dependency, so you forget to include it. Meaning, you are still responsible for adding the project dependencies to the DESCRIPTION file.


There is an even more formal and structured way of tracking dependencies using the renv package, that we covered in previous versions of this course. It is a great package to use, especially if you are working on a project with several others or a project that requires tracking of not just the packages but their specific versions. We don’t teach it anymore because it is quite complex and difficult to understand. Moreover, for the majority of projects, it’s not strictly necessary.

As we work on the project during the course and realize we need to use a specific package, we will continue using usethis::use_package() to install it and add it to the DESCRIPTION file.

Finished? 👒

When you’re ready to continue, place the sticky/paper hat on your computer to indicate this to the instructor 👒 🎩

Before moving on to the exercise, be sure to add and commit all the files in the AdvancedR3 project to save the current state of the files to the Git history. Open the Git interface by either typing with Ctrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”) or by going to the Git pane and clicking the “Commit” button. Then, write a commit message and click the “Commit” button in this window.

5.5 🧑‍💻 Exercise: Add packages from the data processing script

Time: ~10 minutes.

Let’s update the DESCRIPTION file with the packages we depend on in the data-raw/nmr-omics.R script. Open nmr-omics.R file and complete the following tasks:

  1. Manually look for package dependencies in the R script that are declared with library() or ::. It can help to use the “Find in files” feature in RStudio to look for all places that have either :: or library. Use either Edit -> Find in Files ..., or with Ctrl-Shift-F or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “find files”) to open up the search popup.
  2. Use ?usethis::use_package to review how to use this function.
  3. In the Console, run usethis::use_package(packagename) for each package you find in data-raw/nmr-omics.R (from 1. above).
  4. Once done, open the Git interface with Ctrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”) (or going to the Git Pane and clicking the “Commit” button). What has been changed? Commit those changes to the Git history with a descriptive message.
Click for the solution. Only click if you are really struggling or are out of time for the exercise.

Make sure that everyone has added the right packages, since it can be easy to miss some of the packages referenced using ::.

Finished? 👒

When you’re ready to continue, place the sticky/paper hat on your computer to indicate this to the instructor 👒 🎩

5.6 Two types of dependencies: Build and workflow

Verbally explain the content of the next few paragraphs (don’t need to show the website on the projector).

When you work on a research project that involves data analysis, you’ll likely use packages in two different ways:

  1. Packages that directly contribute to data wrangling, analysis, plotting, and making the manuscript. These types of packages are generally called “build” or “deploy” dependencies. Packages like dplyr or tidyr are usually build dependencies, since you use them for processing data.
  2. Packages that assist you in doing your work but aren’t directly used for data analysis. These types of packages would be called “workflow” or “development” dependencies. usethis is usually considered a workflow dependency.
Is this package a build or workflow dependency?

A good rule of thumb to determine whether a package is a build or a workflow dependency is:

  • If you write and use functions from the package within an R script that does something to the data or analysis, then it is likely a build dependency.
  • If you only ever use functions from the package in the Console, then it is probably a workflow dependency.

So, now we know that the dependencies we added in the exercise are actually build dependencies, since we use them directly in our project to process the data.

The way you add packages to the DESCRIPTION file is slightly different depending on what type of dependency it is. For build dependencies, we use the function we’ve already used before: usethis::use_package("packagename"). For workflow dependencies, it’s the same function with a small twist. Our first workflow dependency is usethis, which we will use many times throughout the course.

But before we get into adding usethis to the DESCRIPTION file, let’s tweak our personal (also called the global) .Rprofile to make our lives a bit easier. We’ll add a setting so we don’t have to type usethis:: before each function.

Run the usethis::use_usethis() function to open your own (user) .Rprofile:


Then, copy and paste the code below into your .Rprofile, at the bottom of the file.

Let’s restart R with Ctrl-Shift-F10 or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “restart”). Now, we’re ready to use use_package() to add usethis as a workflow dependency. The only difference between adding a build and a workflow dependency is that for workflow dependencies, we need to add a second argument to use_package() to specify that it is a workflow dependency. The second argument is "suggests", like so:

use_package("usethis", "suggests")

If you open the help file for use_package() you’ll see that the second argument we used above is called type, and “Imports” is its default value. So, if you don’t specify the second argument, the package will be added under “Imports” in the DESCRIPTION file. This is exactly what we did in the exercise in !

So, “imports” corresponds to build dependencies, while “suggests” are equivalent to what we call workflow dependencies.

Open the Git interface and see that under Suggests: in the DESCRIPTION file is usethis. Let’s commit these changes, with Ctrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”).

For the information block below, mention it to the learners but you don’t need to go over it. Especially mention the second part of the tip.


When you come back to a project after a few months or if you start collaborating on a project, you can run pak::pak() to install all types of dependencies, both workflow and build. Neat! 🎉

5.7 🧑‍💻 Exercise: Connect your project to GitHub

Time: ~25 minutes.

Since we will eventually connect our project Git repository to GitHub to practice working with GitHub, we’ll connect our project to GitHub right now.

Remember that GitHub is a platform for sharing your projects in a way that is transparent (if you add all the relevant files and keep a clean history of your files) and makes it easy to collaborate with others. It’s a great way to share your project with others, get feedback, and even contribute to other projects.

Let’s complete these tasks to connect to GitHub.

  1. First, commit the latest changes to the Git history with Ctrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”).

  2. If you haven’t yet, please create a GitHub account.

  3. Add the gitcreds package as a workflow dependency. You’ll need it for the next item

    use_package("gitcreds", "suggests")
  4. Read through and complete the tasks in the linking your project to GitHub of the Connect to GitHub Guide.

  5. Check your GitHub to make sure the project repository has been uploaded to it.

Finished? 👒

When you’re ready to continue, place the sticky/paper hat on your computer to indicate this to the instructor 👒 🎩

5.8 Automatically adhere to a style guide

📖 Reading task: ~5 minutes

We’ve covered how to adhere to a style guide in both the introductory as well as the intermediate course, because it is such a useful and powerful tool to easily write more readable code. We’ll expand on it in this course because it fits precisely with the theme of collaboration. That’s because, when you’re working on your own and don’t need to worry about anyone seeing your code, there’s a natural temptation to write your code like you might write notes to yourself: scribbled and scrawled down quickly.

But when working with others, how it looks can greatly impact how quickly and easily others are able to read and interpret your code. Multiply all the collaborators on a project with this natural temptation for quick (and potentially sloppy) coding, you can imagine how easy it is for code to massively “drift” towards being poorly formatted, especially when deadlines are approaching.

That’s when “linters” or “stylers” (types of static code analysis tools) become very useful. They scan your code for common mistakes or syntax issues, either listing them for you to fix or automatically fixing them for you. Linters are especially useful when collaborating with someone who is less experienced with coding or who contribute occasionally to assist in the code being consistently formatted across the project.

To ensure consistent styling without needing to run checks manually, automatic linting/styling can be a great solution. That’s where the styler package comes in!

Finished? 👒

When you’re ready to continue, place the sticky/paper hat on your computer to indicate this to the instructor 👒 🎩

Since we will use styler for the project as a workflow dependency, let’s add it to the DESCRIPTION file:

use_package("styler", "suggests")

There are only a few functions in styler that we can to use. The first is used to style a single file with R code in it using styler::style_file(). However, an easier way to style the file we’re currently working on is the “style active file” RStudio addin. We use that through the Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P) and typing “style file”, which should show the “Style active file” option. This is what we will do frequently throughout the course.

Let’s try it out. While inside the data-raw/nmr-omics.R file, use the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “style file”) to style the file. Notice that no changes were made since the file is already tidy.


You will probably be asked to install a package called {miniUI}, click “Yes”.

If you wanted to run styler on all the files, we can use:


Mention the callout block below, but don’t go into it at all.


You might be used to using 4 spaces for tabs instead of 2. The tidyverse style uses 2, so that’s default option in styler. If you want to change that, you can add the following code to the project’s .Rprofile:

  styler.addins_style_transformer = "styler::tidyverse_style(indent_by = 4)"

Before we move on, let’s make sure everything has been committed to the Git history with Ctrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”).

5.9 Styling Markdown files

For multi-person collaborative projects, having some type of code styling and checker can really help with standardizing how the code looks, which ultimately will make it easier to read each other’s code contributions.

But what about for Markdown files? While there isn’t a package or function (yet) that styles the Markdown files, RStudio does have an option in their Tools to format Markdown into a “canonical form”. The reason for this option is because they’ve added a “visual editor mode” to writing R Markdown / Quarto files (which is great if you are more comfortable with apps like Word). Let’s set up the project to automatically reformat Markdown files.


Use this option only if you have your project under Git version control, since it will directly modify and overwrite the contents of the entire file.

There are two ways of doing it:

  1. Go into Tools -> Project Options -> R Markdown and change the options “Automatic text wrapping” to “column” (with the default 72 width value) and “Write canonical visual mode markdown” to “true”.
  2. Or set the YAML options in either the project-level _quarto.yml file or at the file-level in the YAML header.

For right now, we will do the project option settings so that as long as we are using RStudio and in the R Project, it will automatically reformat the Markdown files as you write in them. Follow the instructions in item 1 above to set the options.

Now, when you save your file, RStudio should automatically reformat the Markdown into a standardized format. If you want to switch to using the Visual Mode, use Ctrl-Shift-F4 or the “Visual” button at the top of the Source Pane beside the bolding and italicizing buttons.

The instructors won’t be using the Visual Mode during the course, however, you are welcome to do so. We will be using the “canonical” Markdown mode in the “source” (default) mode though.

Let’s test it out. While in the doc/learning.qmd file, go to the bottom of the file and type out:

## This is poorly formatted
- Definitely should have an empty space above this list.
- This isn't a list, why not?

Save the file. What happens? Lists in Markdown need to have an empty space above them to work properly (except for when they are below a header, but in all other cases it needs a space above). With the canonical mode on, we can get feedback right away that it isn’t right. It gets automatically fixed by adding that empty space.

## This is poorly formatted

-   Definitely should have an empty space above this list.
-   This isn't a list, why not?

Since this mode is on automatically now, as we work in the doc/learning.qmd file through the sessions, we’ll get lots of experience using it.

5.10 🧑‍💻 Exercise: Update the README file while using canonical Markdown mode

Time: ~10 minutes.

Open up the file and do all the TODO items found inside the file as well as inside the file. Save often and watch as the Markdown gets reformatted.

After you are done, commit the changes you made to the Git history with Ctrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”).

Then delete the, followed by committing these deletions in the Git history. Click the “Push” button to push the changes to GitHub.

Finished? 👒

When you’re ready to continue, place the sticky/paper hat on your computer to indicate this to the instructor 👒 🎩

5.11 Summary

In this chapter, we have covered how to do the following in a project for smoother collaboration (and nicer-looking code and documents):

  • Track your project package dependencies with the DESCRIPTION file and usethis.
  • Install the dependencies necessary for your project with pak::pak().
  • Follow a style guide by using styler. Combine with the Command Palette (Ctrl-Shift-P) to quickly style the code you are actively working on.
  • Use RStudio’s canonical markdown mode to reformat Markdown into a standard format.

This lists some, but not all, of the code used in the section. Some code is incorporated into Markdown content, so is harder to automatically list here in a code chunk. The code below also includes the code from the exercises.

use_package("usethis", "suggests")
use_package("styler", "suggests")