Welcome to the Advanced R3 course!

  • ✔️ Go to your assigned table
  • ✔️ Introduce yourselves to your table-mates
  • ✔️ Open your AdvancedR3.Rproj RStudio project
  • ✔️ Just in case, do r3::install_packages_advanced()

Motivation for this course

Largely from desire for more effective and actual collaboration

Goal of course: Create and nurture a culture of openness through training

Course details

Setup and layout

  • Course is mix of:
    • “Code-alongs” (we type and explain, you type along)
    • Hands-on coding, discussing, and reading exercises
  • All material is online (and openly licensed)
  • Resources Appendix
    • Material for further learning
  • Less about coding, more about connecting with others
    • Draw table name from bowl each morning
    • Introduce yourself to those at your table
    • During lunch, sit beside someone you don’t know
    • Several networking activities (usually after lunch)
  • Warning: You will be making a lot of functions!

Getting or asking for help 🙋‍♀️

  • Put the sticky on your laptop to get help
  • There are lots of helpers
  • Team members, help out too
  • We’re all learning here!
  • This is a supportive and safe environment
  • Remember our Code of Conduct

Warning: Those using OneDrive/Dropbox probably will encounter issues, move project to Desktop?

Practice using stickies: Did you complete the checklist from the beginning?


🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ How do you perceive your skill in R?

🙋‍♀️ Who has had formal training in specifically coding in R or in general?

🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Have you attended at least one of these courses before?

🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ How many of you work mostly on your own in your project(s)?

🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ How easy is it to collaborate with others on your project(s)?

🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ How many of you want to work more closely or collaboratively with others?

Alright, return to your seats! 🪑